Team GATV Roundtable: The Arrow Season 3 Road So Far
Beyond ArrowNewsOpinion January 15, 2015 Craig Byrne

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Are there any particular characters or actors that you haven’t liked?
CRAIG: Chase. Sorry, Austin Butler.
I also really didn’t like the Werner Zytle Count Vertigo. I know Peter Stormare is popular for his other work, but here he just seemed silly, though his “powers’ were cool.
STEPHANIE: I didn’t like Carrie Cutter, who was not a good kind of crazy, or Chase the DJ. He was way too cocky.
MATT: The DJ love interest for Thea was boorish and inconsequential so far.
DEREK: Echoing the comments of everyone by saying that DJ guy. Does ANYONE out there like him? I’m also assuming he’s either some kind of convoluted League mole, or his only purpose is to die to spring Thea down a dark path again.
[We really should have a picture with Austin Butler to go with this, but The CW didn’t release any.]
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