Team GATV Roundtable: The Arrow Season 3 Road So Far
Beyond ArrowNewsOpinion January 15, 2015 Craig Byrne

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Has the addition of The Flash as a series increased or decreased your excitement for Arrow?
DEREK: Hasn’t really affected it. I suppose the attitude going into speculation is different, because The Flash has opened up wilder possibilities, and it’s only a matter of time before Arrow starts approaching the fantastical more often. And there’s always the question of who might cross over into where. I’m constantly thinking of when Ray will inevitably move over to The Flash, because he seems like he’d be such a more natural fit there.
CRAIG: I don’t know that it has had any significant effect, because I like both shows in their own ways. I certainly loved the crossover, and I love the notion of that world building even more, but the notion of a second series in that world doesn’t make me like the show more or less.
STEPHANIE: In an indirect way, the addition of The Flash has increased my excitement for Arrow. My roommate enjoyed Grant Gustin’s character on Glee, so that convinced her to watch Flash and I convinced her to watch Arrow. Now I’ve had someone to geek out about Arrow with, which is more fun than watching it alone no matter what show it is.
The question works the other way around, too. Arrow has made me more excited for The Flash because I love that Flash has such a different tone than Arrow, yet they’re both built around teams of heroes saving the day.
MATT: Honestly, hasn’t really had much of an effect on my enjoyment of ‘Arrow’. Though, I will say that the experience in the storytelling stood out to me during the crossover event.
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