Team GATV Roundtable: The Arrow Season 3 Road So Far
Beyond ArrowNewsOpinion January 15, 2015 Craig Byrne
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Were you satisfied with the reveal of who killed Sara?
MATT: It was fine, and somewhat fit the narrative, but I would say it was anticlimactic.
CRAIG: It was certainly a better solution than “Oliver” or “Roy,” and I think it’ll set up some really interesting storylines later on, so I’m for it.
STEPHANIE: Given Sara’s skills and watchfulness, there aren’t many people who could get the drop on her, so my money was on Malcolm or Ra’s. If you had told me before I watched the episode that Thea had killed Sara, I would have found it too far fetched, but then learning that Thea was under the influence of a drug Malcolm gave her made it easier to grasp. While I don’t like the idea that Thea killed Sara because it diminishes the chance for justice, I do like that it makes Malcolm even more twisted of a villain. No father of the year trophy for him. I don’t know that I would go so far as to say I’m satisfied with it, but I’m willing to accept it. I’m just okay with it.
DEREK: I mean, like I said, there was only a small pool of suspects to begin with, and the season gradually crossed them off the list as they went along. So it wasn’t that hard to see coming. No other answer would have been any more shocking, and I called Thea as the culprit really early in the season. Only thing I didn’t call was mind control, which is the reason it ultimately works. Either way, what “The Climb” did right was making the aftermath of the reveal the important part, not the reveal itself. It’s better than the too-obvious reveal of Malcolm from “Year’s End” because the Thea answer immediately sends everyone spiraling and ups the ante.
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