Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Forward To Season 4
NewsOpinion September 19, 2015 Craig Byrne

What are you expecting from Damian Dahrk?
LAUREL: I expect him to be chillingly creepy and evil, mostly because I saw Neal McDonough in Justified and have never quite gotten past that nightmare of an experience. He’s amazing at being bad. I also expect some explanation for Diggle’s brother and a lot of retribution surrounding that. Also, this guy has theoretically been wreaking havoc for a century or so — he is bound to have some good baggage from that.
DEREK: I really don’t know much about him, but I imagine that connecting him with H.I.V.E. and Ra’s means we’ll see some prominent storylines for both Diggle and Malcolm. It’d be interesting to see the two both end up with a personal vendetta against Dahrk of some sort. Neal McDonough seems like a pretty big get, so I expect he’ll be a fun part of the cast.
CRAIG: I’m expecting him to be Felicity’s father, but I’m hoping they won’t be that predictable. I’m impressed with what I have seen of him in the Season 4 trailers.
STEPHANIE: I want Damien Darhk to be the villain that Ra’s never was. I want him to be scary and manipulative and leave Oliver in situations where his decisions are between doing what’s terrible and doing what’s horrible to stop Damien. From what little I’ve read about his upcoming appearances, it sounds like some of that might come true.
MATT: Having seen Neal McDonough in a number of villainous roles, there’s a bit of an expectation of how the character will be. I’m not tremendously familiar with the character in the comics, but I think it’s a safe bet that, beyond his intelligence, they are pretty well developing their own character here and just using the name. It will be nice to see them finally develop the H.I.V.E. storyline, even though it’s sad that they pretty much won’t be able to incorporate Deadshot into it any further. (Maybe the film division will allow them to feature Lawton in some flashbacks.) The great thing is it should give even more involvement and immediacy to Diggle’s story. With Oliver and Diggle being less than kosher, I’m expecting some good work between Amell and David Ramsey this season. Hope that also sets up some scenes between Oliver and Lyla like that confrontation in “Al Sah-Him.” Another intriguing aspect of Darhk and H.I.V.E. is going to be the antagonistic relationship with the League of Assassins. Setting up a war between the two organizations with Oliver and Team Arrow in the middle should make for more compelling and tangible storytelling than last year.