Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Forward To Season 4
NewsOpinion September 19, 2015 Craig Byrne

How do you think Malcolm will be as the new Ra’s al Ghul?
MATT: Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. I’m hoping there’s good time spent developing him in the role and really pitting him against Damien Darhk in a high stakes battle for the league. He’s a regular. Let’s get some strong time with him and really get to see more of his character. The relationship with Nyssa should also prove an interesting one, but I hope they surprise us with more than just teeth-gritting conflict between the two.
DEREK: He’ll actually have a reason to be on the show, which is good. I’d like to see a Malcolm who, influenced by his time with the good guys in season 3, is now ironically conflicted after finally getting to this position of great power. He gets an army of assassins at his disposal, and now he starts feeling guilty about all the murder. I’m pretty tired of seeing the League, but if it’s going to be a mainstay on the show, this would be an interesting way to use them. It could provide interesting parallels to Nyssa’s growth, too.
CRAIG: I’m interested in seeing his dynamic as Ra’s alongside Nyssa, especially. I think people will challenge his title. And I’m curious how that will all affect his life in Starling City.
STEPHANIE: I’m not sure, but I’d like to see him at his full potential – scheming and making questionable choices. Even when he was manipulating Thea this season, his presence wasn’t all that memorable, and I want Malcolm to be a more vibrant character than he’s been.
LAUREL: Like everything involving Malcolm, I expect a lot of sinister behavior, double-crossings, and the occasional foray into his insane justifications for everything.