Kirk Acevedo Says Diaz “Shoulda Killed” Felicity Smoak, Katrina Law Praises Emily Bett At FanFest
NewsVideo April 21, 2019 Craig Byrne

Five Arrow favorites — Kirk Acevedo (Ricardo Diaz), Katrina Law (Nyssa), Rick Gonzalez (Rene/Wild Dog), Juliana Harkavy (Dinah), and Katherine McNamara (Mia) — were on hand this weekend for the FanFest convention in Chicago, and of course, a topic that came up is the departure of Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) in the Arrow Season 7 finale which airs next month.
Acevedo has had a history of trolling Felicity fans on Twitter, and his comments at the panel were along those lines.
“What should have happened? They shoulda had me kill her,” Acevedo said. “We can’t just have her walk away!”
Katrina Law, who remains the best Nyssa to ever grace any screen, praised Emily the actress, describing her as “whip-smart, super-creative, [with] a twisted little sense of humor.” She also revealed that they’d make up songs and dances between scenes.
You can see video of these interactions below.
How Felicity should go out? @kirkacevedo #FFChicago #Arrow pic.twitter.com/QD66ufdt8h
— Fan Fest Events (@fanfestevents) April 21, 2019
The cast share what they’ll miss and remember about @EmilyBett! The list was way longer than this video! #Arrow #FFChicago pic.twitter.com/DMdYRyNreX
— Fan Fest Events (@fanfestevents) April 21, 2019