Emily Bett Rickards Interview Part 2: Arrow Cast Hangouts, Olicity, Comics & More
InterviewsNews April 20, 2013 Craig Byrne

Here’s Part 2 of our interview with Emily Bett Rickards, the actress who plays “Felicity Smoak” on The CW’s Arrow. A new episode airs in just four days, and until then, you can expect a lot of interview goodness including Part 3 of this interview tomorrow. We will also be posting video of this interview as soon as we can.
You can read the first part here… today we share what Emily had to say about cast hangouts, “Olicity,” what she’d like to see from the character, Felicity Smoak in Firestorm comics, and more.
Questions to Ms. Rickards are posted in bold; her answers are not… and if you like the interview, please just link to the source rather than copying and pasting onto your websites/blogs/etc. Thanks!
GREENARROWTV: The entire Arrow cast seems to hang out a lot, with lots of pictures that you guys tweet. Can you talk about that?
EMILY BETT RICKARDS: Colton [Haynes] and I are really good friends. Colin and I live a building away from each other, on the same block, so Colin and I hang out a lot… I get to work with Stephen and David a lot, so we’re all really close… and I get to see Katie every so often, which is awesome, and Willa, too.
I get to hang out with Colton, I think, the most. Colton and I get along really well, and Colin, because he’s like the funniest person I know. He’s extraordinary, and brilliant, and super talented.
Speaking of Colton… when are Roy and Felicity going to have a scene together?
I don’t know, guys. Not in the first season. Maybe in the second. I can give you that much.
What can you tease about the season finale (airing May 15)?
I’m not allowed to talk about much, but I can tell you that it’s enormous. 22 could be the season finale, and it’s not, so think about taking that one step higher. I think everyone will really enjoy it. Super high stakes. Lots of danger. Lots of sacrifice.
What are the possibilities of a romance between Felicity and Oliver?
Possibilities of “Olicity”… Olicity’s a great ‘ship. I don’t know who came up with that. I would love to meet the first person who came up with it. It’s great.
I don’t know. I’ve said this since Olicity started being ‘shipped, that we get to see the relationship evolve. We get to see them become more honest with each other, and open up… Oliver doesn’t open up to very many people. You know when you meet someone who doesn’t open up to very many people, that you can feel yourself admiring them. You love someone that you’re friends with, and you love someone that you could look up to, and you could love someone you’d admire and could be honest with. I think those are all the right steps into making a relationship, but they also don’t guarantee that one’s going to happen.
What about the possibility of Felicity and someone else, like maybe Diggle?
That would be kind of fun. I don’t know! I think Felicity hasn’t earned [but] will earn a romance or some sort of interesting romance or friendship in Season 2. I’m not sure, because I don’t know much about that. But I think she has earned it, and I think it’s extremely possible.
What would you like to see for her in Season 2, in general?
Well, I’d like to see her home life. I would like to learn more about her home life and where she comes from. And, obviously I’d like to see her doing combat, but that’s for me, not for Felicity. [laughs] I don’t think she’d be too coordinated.
Yeah, I’d like to see more of her home life; maybe where she comes from, who her parents are.
Do you think she could ever put on a costume?
Well, I mean she kind of does when she puts on a dress, but if she puts on a cape? I don’t know. Would her cape be purple? I don’t know. I’m just saying.
Had you followed comic books at all before getting this role?
I hadn’t, really. I was never introduced into that world, but I’m really happy I am now, because I love it.
Have you seen the comic book version of Felicity Smoak? She’s quite different.
Yes, I have. She is quite different. I mean, she’s older, and there’s Richard Raymond, and they have that whole thing with Firestorm, so obviously that’s… we’re staying away from actual super powers on the show. So there are things that won’t happen, and things that will, and I like how our writers and our creative team have picked and chosen what they sort of want, and what direction they want tthe show to go in. But, yeah. I’m not that tall. I’m not brunette. I’m not that old. She’s smart. She wasn’t very awkward in the series. I think she was sort of “straight to it,” you know what I mean? But I love Felicity in Arrow. I love her.
Come back to GreenArrowTV tomorrow for the conclusion of this interview tomorrow, where Emily talks about Felicity’s status with Queen Consolidated, whether or not her mission is over if and when Walter is found, and more!