Colin Donnell Will Be Returning To Arrow
NewsSpoilers July 18, 2014 Craig Byrne

TVGuide.com just posted a new interview with Arrow Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg, and during that interview, news came out that Colin Donnell will be returning as Tommy Merlyn in the second episode of Season 3, which is called “Sara.”
“Colin Donnell is coming back in Episode 302,” Kreisberg told Natalie Abrams. “Tommy will be in the flashback story. We’ll be telling the story about how Tommy and Oliver just missed each other in Hong Kong. It’s a really amazing story and we’re so excited to have Colin Donnell back. It’s one of the advantages of the storytelling that we do that even when you die in the present day, you can still be alive in the flashbacks. It was something that we had talked about last year and then when we committed to doing the Hong Kong story, we knew we could really make it work.”
You can read TVGuide’s entire interview – complete with more Arrow Season 3 intel – here.