Arrow “We Fall” Official Description
NewsSpoilers January 5, 2018 Craig Byrne

It’s probably not surprising that the title of the Arrow episode following “Divided” is “We Fall.”
That’s the name of the January 25 episode of Arrow, and we now have an official description. Hopefully we’ll have some photos soon. Here’s that write-up:
WILLIAM LANDS IN CAYDEN JAMES’ CROSSHAIRS — Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson) ups the ante by launching his plan to take control of every aspect of the city. Despite the scope of Cayden’s plan, Oliver (Stephen Amell) is determined to foil it with just the Original Team Arrow – and without the aid of Rene (Rick Gonzalez), Dinah (Juliana Harkavy), or Curtis (Echo Kellum). But things get complicated when William (guest star Jack Moore) is endangered as a result of Cayden’s handiwork. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Spiro Skentzos (#611). Original airdate 1/25/2018.