Arrow: Screencaps From An “Unthinkable” Preview Clip Arrow: Screencaps From An “Unthinkable” Preview Clip
Screen captures from a preview clip promoting the Arrow season finale which is titled Unthinkable Arrow: Screencaps From An “Unthinkable” Preview Clip

H051A-514-ARW-110-20And a weekend treat for GreenArrowTV readers…

Thanks to Mr. Video, we have screen captures from a preview clip promoting this week’s episode of Arrow, titled “Unthinkable,” which also happens to be the season finale for Arrow’s second year. The clip itself isn’t online yet but should be in a few days.

From the looks of the clip, it appears that a mess has been made of the Foundry. “We’re gonna need a better lair!”

Here are the caps, and as usual, if you like them, please just link to GATV rather than posting the gallery elsewhere. If you’re looking for officially released pics from the episode, you can find them here; screen captures from the episode’s promo trailer (including a great shot of Team Arrow!) can be found here.


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Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.