Arrow: Screen Captures From “The Odyssey” Extended Promo Trailer! Arrow: Screen Captures From “The Odyssey” Extended Promo Trailer!
Screencaps from the Arrow trailer for The Odyssey Arrow: Screen Captures From “The Odyssey” Extended Promo Trailer!

S030A-213-ARW1-10-03You’ve probably seen the trailer for next week’s episode of Arrow, titled “The Oddysey,” by now… and even if you have, wouldn’t some stills be nice?

Thanks to Mr. Video, we have some screen captures from the trailer for the new Arrow airing on Wednesday, February 13. It’s called “The Odyssey,” and these screen grabs include shirtless Stephen Amell, Deathstroke in and out of his mask, Oliver and Laurel in bed together (surely a dream sequence), and the reaction to that great cliffhanger from the end of “Betrayal.”

Enjoy, and remember if you want more spoilers, to visit our Arrow Spoilers Page here at GreenArrowTV.


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Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.