Arrow is back with new episodes on April 24 — I know, I know, I wish it was sooner too — but now, The CW has released some official stills from Arrow Episode 20 which is called “Home Invasion.”
Some cool guest stars, including the return of Michael Rowe as Deadshot, are within this one…. as is Angel’s J. August Richards, who also might be headed to the Marvel Universe with a role in ABC’s S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot.
We also know Richards’ character name now – he’s Mr. Blank. And he has a Gunn. (ba-dum-bum!)
Looks like we get some good Celina Jade Shado action in this one as well, plus the requisite Tommy-Oliver drama. And is Lyla Michaels a harbinger of things to come?
Here are the new pics which will hopefully make the long wait a little bit shorter, if not make the anticipation grow even more.