Willa Holland is back as Thea in the October 29 episode of Arrow titled “Leap of Faith” — and if that’s not all, Lexa Doig (Talia al Ghul) appears to be back as well!
The CW has released some photos from the episode — the third in Arrow’s eighth and final season — and in addition to some present day activity, there are a few shots from the future, including at least one very bad-ass photo of Mia (Katherine McNamara!) Katie Cassidy Rodgers directed this one.
Here’s how the episode is described. The photos follow below.
WILLA HOLLAND GUEST STARS — Reunited with his sister, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (guest star Willa Holland) find themselves searching through a familiar maze of catacombs. Meanwhile, John (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) partner on a special ops mission. Katie Cassidy directed the episode written by Emilio Ortega Aldrich & Elizabeth Kim (#803). Original airdate 10/29/2019.