Arrow “Inheritance” Trailer
NewsSpoilersVideo March 18, 2019 Craig Byrne

“Your sister is not the hero that you think she is.”
That’s what is said to Oliver in the trailer for the Monday, March 25 episode of Arrow which is called “Inheritance.”
You can see the promo trailer below; hopefully we will have some photos for an official gallery soon. If you’ve just watched tonight’s episode “Star City 2040” and want to talk about it with other fans, visit our Arrow discussion forum!
LAUREL TEAMS UP WITH OLIVER — Laurel (Katie Cassidy Rodgers) learns about some damaging information that affects Emiko (Sea Shimooka). Always looking to protect his sister, Oliver (Stephen Amell) invites Laurel to help investigate, which makes Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) happy as her friend is now working with the team. However, when things go awry, Felicity is forced to make a choice between the team and Laurel. Patia Prouty directed the episode written by Sarah Tarkhoff & Elizabeth Kim (#717). Original airdate 3/25/2019.