Arrow Flashback: Marc Guggenheim Talks About Sara Lance… In 2012
NewsVideo November 1, 2013 Craig Byrne

[WARNING: Spoilers for the episode “Crucible” are being discussed here.]
Was the revelation of Sara Lance as the Black Canary planned all along?
Back in 2012, we had our first interaction with Arrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim at that year’s Comic-Con. As you’ll see in Tiffany Vogt’s video below, the “Sara Lance question” was one of the first to come out, asked by GreenArrowTV’s Craig Byrne.
…and Guggenheim doesn’t really commit to a “yes or no” on whether or not Sara could be alive. In fact, he points to the notion that the five-year gap could have meant a lot of things, to many characters.
Regardless of whether or not it was all planned, this interview is a fun trip back in time. Check it out: