Easter eggs are another thing we love seeing on Arrow, especially when it includes references to the larger DC Universe. (Case in point: The character “Lyla Michaels” shares a name with DC character Harbinger. Hmm…)
Today, Arrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim stirred the pot even more on Twitter, revealing some artwork that the Arrow art department has made for an upcoming episode, featuring Kord Industries.
Kord Industries is the company owned by Ted Kord, a.k.a. the Blue Beetle.
It was always our hope that, if Andrew Kreisberg’s Booster Gold TV project ever happened, that Ted might be a connection between the two series. Sadly, Booster doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon, but maybe we could see Ted on TV (again) sooner rather than later?
At least we’ll be seeing his company. Check out the artwork (thanks to Andy for the tip):