No, Felicity Smoak Will Not Become Oracle
News January 12, 2016 Craig Byrne

Fans of Barbara Gordon, you can rest easy now.
Ever since things like a recent Australian promo hinted that Felicity Smoak’s future may be paralysis, fans have speculated that Felicity’s new codename might be the name “Oracle,” best known as the computer-savvy alter ego of then-former Batgirl Barbara Gordon after some horrible things happened to her in “The Killing Joke” comic book graphic novel.
Oracle was one of DC Comics’ best characters, and even the lead character in the Birds of Prey TV series and comic book, before DC did the “New 52” thing and made her a no-longer-paralyzed Batgirl again. (This was unfortunate, as having a character with a physical limitation be one of DC’s most powerful characters was a GREAT thing.)
Anyway… TV Line got a straight answer from Arrow Executive Producer Wendy Mericle confirming that Felicity being called “Oracle” is not a thing that will be happening.
“That’s something we definitely talked about [doing] with Felicity in the beginning…. But yeah, it will not be Oracle, sadly,” Mericle told the site. “People have to tune in to see what happens.”
Fans will also remember that “Oracle” was the originally-announced title for the episode that became “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak.”
What do you think? Happy? Sad? Leave comments (and guesses for Felicity’s actual code name!) below.
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