Stephen Amell Talks Doing Arrow Vs. A Green Arrow Movie
News November 1, 2014 Craig Byrne

The Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy recently did an interview with Arrow’s Stephen Amell, and one of the questions asked of Mr. Amell was whether or not he’d envision a Green Arrow movie.
“I am completely indifferent,” Stephen answered. “First of all, wanting a movie undersells the idea that making 23 episodes a year isn’t a huge achievement. It is and I would put that degree of difficulty up against any feature film that has ever been made… except ‘Lord of the Rings’ and that gigantic Peter Jackson-led undertaking… and maybe ‘Titanic.’ But, other than those two movies, I’d put making 23 hours of interesting content in a TV season up against anything on the film side. It is difficult to me to want or envision an ‘Arrow’ movie when we are shooting the 10th episode of our third season with 13 more episodes to go and in all likelihood 3 more seasons on the other side of that. I’m interested in keeping that content fresh. Once we get to the end of that road, maybe then I’ll shift my focus,” he said, sounding proud of what the show accomplishes.
If Green Arrow is to be on screen, though, does Stephen feel it should be him, especially in light of the recent DC movie announcements including a Flash who is not Grant Gustin? “Yeah. Of course. And I feel like it should be Grant doing the movie,” he said. “But the important thing to remember is just because Grant Gustin plays the part of Barry Allen doesn’t mean Ezra Miller can’t also play Barry Allen. There can be different interpretations of the character. Anyone who is a fan of the comics knows the Flash character is one of the forces that leads to parallel universes. And who knows, they might find a fantastic actor to play Oliver Queen on the feature side who has a different take on the character. I’m certainly a departure from the typical Oliver Queen from the comic books. I just think that everybody needs to be patient with the whole thing. The fact that DC and Warner have announced all these comic book features is nothing but good for business,” he said.
You can read the entire WSJ interview with Stepben Amell here.