We Might See Smoak Tech In Arrow Season 7
NewsSpoilers August 23, 2018 Craig Byrne

TV Line has posted a scoop today that fans of Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) have been waiting for… there may [finally] be some updates on the development of Smoak Tech in Arrow Season 7!
“It’s possible you might see something like that this season,” new Executive Producer Beth Schwartz teased TV Line’s Matt Mitovich.
Smoak Tech is something that has been hinted in the Arrowverse for a while now, in future scenarios and otherwise.
Schwartz also teased, however, that Felicity isn’t taking Oliver’s trip to prison too well. “Felicity is definitely coping the worst, I’d say. It’s been tough for her,” Beth told the site.
Arrow Season 7 begins Monday, October 15 on The CW. You can read the TV Line article that broke the scoop here.