The Birds of Prey Return On Arrow
NewsSpoilers January 27, 2014 Craig Byrne

Cool news at TVGuide.com this morning:
In an upcoming episode of Arrow, appropriately titled “Birds of Prey,” Helena Bertinelli (Jess de Gouw) is back! According to the TV Guide article, Helena (The Huntress) makes her way back to Starling City hoping to get revenge after the Arrow arrests Frank. But, in order to get to the Arrow, she also has to get past the Black Canary (Caity Lotz!)
You can read more about this news, including some quotes from Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim, at TVGuide.com.
(And yes, you’re not imagining things: There was a WB TV show called Birds of Prey back in 2002 that had a Huntress and a Black Canary. Dare we to hope that Felicity is the Oracle?)