The 2015 GreenArrowTV Awards: The Results Are In!
GreenArrowTV AwardsNews August 7, 2015 Craig Byrne
Best Actor (Male): Stephen Amell
No failing cities for our Captain.
68% of voters – that’s more than 2/3 – picked Stephen Amell as their favorite actor from Arrow Season 3. Stephen had a lot of emotions to go through this year, where he had to play the cold Al Sah-Him but also have tender and romantic moments at the season’s start. He also had to deal with losing a friend in Sara and almost losing a sister in Thea.
The category included only series regulars, and the #2 spot went to John Barrowman with 17%. David Ramsey took the #3 spot with 8%.
Previous winners: (Season 1) Stephen Amell – (Season 2) Stephen Amell