The 2015 GreenArrowTV Awards: The Results Are In!
GreenArrowTV AwardsNews August 7, 2015 Craig Byrne

Worst Episode: “Canaries”
Maybe there just wasn’t enough Caity Lotz, maybe people just don’t like the new Count Vertigo as much as they liked Seth Gabel, maybe Oliver was missed, or maybe people just want to pick on something that featured heavy Laurel, but in any event, “Canaries” ended up with Worst Episode dishonors with 34% of the vote.
Second place for Worst Episode – and perhaps proving that the Arrow fandom is very split on what they like or dislike – was the season finale, “My Name Is Oliver Queen,” with 14%.
“The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak,” which was also among the top 5 Best Episodes, came in #3 Worst, with 10% of the vote, and “Midnight City” was fourth with 9%.
But hey, no Huntress episode to get Worst Episode this year! There’s always Season 4, right?
Previous winners: (Season 1) “The Huntress Returns” – (Season 2) “Birds of Prey”