The 2015 GreenArrowTV Awards: The Results Are In!
GreenArrowTV AwardsNews August 7, 2015 Craig Byrne

Best Episode: “The Fallen”
Olicity sex. Oh yeah, and some cool action at Nanda Parbat.
This episode struck a chord with a pretty sizable portion of the Arrow audience, and it took the top spot with 44% of the total vote – quite a percentage considering there were 23 episodes to choose from.
Second place honors go to the season finale, “My Name Is Oliver Queen” with 13% – though as you’ll see from the next category, that opinion was certainly not unanimous – and third and fourth place honors go to “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” and “The Climb,” respectively, with a difference of only three votes between them.
Fifth place for Best Episode was “The Brave and the Bold” with nearly 7% of the vote.
Previous winners: (Season 1) “Sacrifice” – (Season 2) “Unthinkable”