Continuing a summer tradition started at our Smallville website, KryptonSite, we’re going to do annual Awards honoring the best and worst of a given season – in this case, Arrow Season 1.
Last week, we asked for your help in narrowing down the choices in several key categories, so if a favorite (or something you disliked) is not listed in a given column, the reason is that it didn’t garner enough nominations. We tried to narrow things down as much as possible — in cases like Best Guest Star, all of the people listed had a lot of nominations, and it wouldn’t have been fair to miss them.
We’ll refresh with a new category posted every few days, but first, we’ll be doing Best Episode which should be posted within a few minutes. For now, here are this year’s nominees. The photos next to the sections are for decorative purposes only and are not meant to imply those are necessarily our own choices or to sway you in any way.
Thanks for participating! Final results will be announced once all of the voting is done.
Voting is now happening in the Best Cliffhanger category – find it here!
BEST EPISODE – Voting Already Completed
Year’s End
The Odyssey
Dead To Rights
The Undertaking
Darkness On The Edge Of Town
WORST EPISODE – Voting Already Completed
Honor Thy Father
Muse Of Fire
The Dodger
The Huntress Returns
BEST ACTOR (MALE) – Voting Already Completed
Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen)
Paul Blackthorne (Det. Quentin Lance)
Colin Donnell (Tommy Merlyn)
David Ramsey (John Diggle)
BEST ACTOR (FEMALE) – Voting Already Completed
Katie Cassidy (Laurel Lance)
Willa Holland (Thea Queen)
Susanna Thompson (Moira Queen)
BEST GUEST STAR – Voting Already Completed
Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity Smoak)
Manu Bennett (Slade Wilson)
Colton Haynes (Roy Harper)
John Barrowman (Malcolm Merlyn)
Colin Salmon (Walter Steele)
Celina Jade (Shado)
Byron Mann (Yao Fei)
Seth Gabel (The Count)
Jessica de Gouw (Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress)
Michael Rowe (Floyd Lawton/Deadshot)
David Anders (Cyrus Vanch)
Alex Kingston (Dinah Lance)
Kelly Hu (China White)
FAVORITE WRITER – Voting Already Completed
Greg Berlanti (Pilot, Honor Thy Father, Lone Gunmen, Year’s End, The Odyssey, Sacrifice)
Andrew Kreisberg (Pilot, Honor Thy Father, Lone Gunmen, Muse Of Fire, Vendetta, Year’s End, The Odyssey, Sacrifice)
Marc Guggenheim (Pilot, Honor Thy Father, Lone Gunmen, Legacies, Muse Of Fire, Year’s End, The Odyssey, Sacrifice)
Moira Kirland (An Innocent Man, Legacies, Burned)
Lana Cho (An Innocent Man, Betrayal, The Huntress Returns, The Undertaking)
Wendy Mericle (Damaged, Vertigo, Salvation, Darkness On The Edge Of Town)
Ben Sokolowski (Damaged, Burned, Vertigo, Home Invasion)
Geoff Johns (Muse Of Fire, Dead To Rights)
Beth Schwartz (Vendetta, Betrayal, Dodger, Home Invasion)
Gabrielle Stanton (Trust But Verify)
Jake Coburn (The Huntress Returns, The Undertaking)
Drew Z. Greenberg (Salvation, Darkness On The Edge Of Town)
Bryan Q. Miller (Unfinished Business)
Lindsey Allen (Unfinished Business)
FAVORITE DIRECTOR – Voting Already Completed
David Nutter (Pilot)
David Barrett (Honor Thy Father, Sacrifice)
Guy Norman Bee (Lone Gunmen, Betrayal, The Huntress Returns)
Vince Misiano (An Innocent Man)
Michael Schultz (Damaged, The Undertaking)
John Behring (Legacies, The Odyssey, Darkness On The Edge Of Town)
David Grossman (Muse Of Fire)
Kenneth Fink (Vendetta, Home Invasion)
John Dahl (Year’s End)
Eagle Eglisson (Burned, Dodger)
Nick Copus (Trust But Verify, Salvation)
Wendey Stanzler (Vertigo)
Glen Winter (Dead To Rights)
Michael Offer (Unfinished Business)
FAVORITE VILLAIN – Voting Already Completed
Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer (John Barrowman)
The Count (Seth Gabel)
Deadshot (Michael Rowe)
Wintergreen-Deathstroke (Jeffrey C. Robinson)
China White (Kelly Hu)
Edward Fyers (Sebastian Dunn)
FAVORITE COUPLE – Voting Already Completed
Oliver & Laurel
Oliver & McKenna
Oliver & Felicity
Oliver & Shado
Thea & Roy
Moira & Walter
Tommy & Laurel
Quentin & Dinah Lance
Oliver & Helena
Diggle & Carly
To Be Announced
FAVORITE CHARACTER – Voting Already Completed
Oliver Queen
Moira Queen
Thea Queen
Walter Steele
Laurel Lance
Quentin Lance
Tommy Merlyn
Malcolm Merlyn
John Diggle
Felicity Smoak
Roy Harper
Slade Wilson
Helena Bertinelli
LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER – Voting Already Completed
Oliver Queen
Moira Queen
Thea Queen
Walter Steele
Laurel Lance
Quentin Lance
Tommy Merlyn
Malcolm Merlyn
John Diggle
Felicity Smoak
Roy Harper
Slade Wilson
Helena Bertinelli
Edward Fyers
BEST ACTION SEQUENCE – Voting Already Completed
Parkour roof jumping (Pilot & other episodes)
Oliver escapes his captors (Pilot)
Yao Fei vs. Deathstroke, round 1 (Damaged)
The first Arrow/Dark Archer confrontation (Year’s End)
Slade Wilson vs. Deathstroke/Wintergreen (The Odyssey)
Oliver vs. Mr. Blank (Home Invasion)
Oliver rescues Walter in Bludhaven (The Undertaking)
The final battle between Arrow and the Dark Archer (Sacrifice)
FAVORITE SCENE – Voting Already Completed
Oliver uses the salmon ladder (Pilot)
Oliver meets Felicity (Lone Gunmen)
“Deathstroke” arrives (Damaged)
Oliver takes a lie detector test (Damaged)
Arrow vs. Dark Archer: Round 1 (Year’s End)
The Arrow confronts Moira: “Moira Queen, you have failed this city.” (Betrayal)
Tommy learns Oliver’s secret (Dead To Rights)
Oliver rescues Walter in Bludhaven (The Undertaking)
Oliver kisses Laurel (Darkness On The Edge Of Town)
Oliver and Felicity go up through the elevator shaft to get into the Merlyn building (Darkness On The Edge Of Town)
Oliver says goodbye to Tommy (Sacrifice)
Roy Harper (Colton Haynes)
Helena Bertintelli/The Huntress (Jessica de Gouw)
Merlyn the Dark Archer (John Barrowman)
The Count (Vertigo) (Seth Gabel)
Deadshot (Michael Rowe)
China White (Kelly Hu)
The Royal Flush Gang
Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett)
The Deathstroke costume worn by Billy Wintergreen
Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards)
Mentions of Bludhaven, Central City, and Iron Heights
BEST TIE-IN MERCHANDISE – Voting Already Completed
Arrow Comic Book & Digital Series
Arrow Statue
Arrow T-Shirt
Injustice: Gods Among Us with unlockable Stephen Amell Arrow skin
Moira had something to do with Oliver’s kidnapping (Pilot)
Quentin arrests Oliver (An Innocent Man)
The Dark Archer is Malcolm Merlyn! (Year’s End)
Yao Fei is working with Fyers?!? (Trust But Verify)
The Arrow confronts Moira: “Moira Queen, you have failed this city.” (Betrayal)
Malcolm finds out Oliver is the Arrow (Darkness On The Edge Of Town)
The Glades is coming down around Felicity (Sacrifice)
Tommy is dead! (Sacrifice)
Favorite Cliffhanger is the current category up for voting – vote right here!