The 2013 GreenArrowTV Awards: And The Winners Are…
GreenArrowTV AwardsNews October 6, 2013 Craig Byrne

Normally we would reveal a winners’ list earlier in the summer, but we fell a little behind and can learn from that for next year… but either way, here we go:
This summer, we invited fans to pick the best and worst elements of Arrow Season 1 for the first-ever GreenArrowTV Awards. We had a nominations process earlier in the summer, and then voting continued throughout. Now we’re happy to share with you the results of those Awards. Which episode was deemed the best? The worst? Who was the most popular villain? Which pairing do fans support the most? All of those questions are answered within.
Our thanks to everyone who participated and voted this year, and yes, we’ll be doing this all again next summer. But for now, let’s get started:
Take a look at the results!
(And obviously, don’t forget Arrow Season 2 begins October 9!)