Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Back At Arrow Season 6 & Forward To Season 7
Opinion July 20, 2018 Craig Byrne

Was it really a good idea to leave Diaz on the table for Season 7?
CRAIG: Meh. Of all the Arrow villains to get a return performance, he’s not one I’d want to see more of; his story should have probably been done with Season 6 so we could move on to something else. But for all we know “something else” is lurking. I guess it could be worse; I’m dreading more Hiram Lodge on Riverdale even more.
MELISSA: No. I was hugely disappointed that out of all the previous big bads, this mealy-mouthed punk was the one that got away. It feels insulting as a fan. Josh Segarra’s return during “Fundamentals” affirmed to me I wasn’t imagining how underwhelming Diaz was as a villain. I am crossing my fingers that the Dragon is slain ASAP so we can move on to something better. And really, I think that means just about anyone. Sprinkle some Lazarus Pit water on the woman in red from the Quadrant. In her two brief appearances, she managed to engage me far more than Diaz did all season long.
MATT: It’s nice when they don’t just kill a character off to end a season. Building upon a character and giving them continued motivation is one of the advantages of long-form storytelling. But I’m not necessarily sure where they go from here with Diaz. I’d hate to see them arrest or kill the character off in the fifth or sixth episode of next season and just take him off the board like they’ve done in the past. But what’s the story? What’s the next part of his arc?
STEPHANIE: No. The character wasn’t impressive or threatening enough to spill over into another season. I know Diaz had a ton of the city on his payroll, but it seems unrealistic that Team Arrow managed to take down a Mirakuru army, the Demon’s Head, and an immortal magician, but not this guy who was as human as they come.