Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Back At Arrow Season 6 & Forward To Season 7
Opinion July 20, 2018 Craig Byrne

How did it stack up against previous seasons of the show?
STEPHANIE: Season six turned out to be my least favorite. I didn’t dislike it, but there wasn’t a whole lot I loved about it. I remember struggling to get through a couple of episodes in the middle of last season and then becoming really invested in the final chunk of episodes because Adrian Chase was crazy smart and also crazy, but I never found that final push of excitement that powered me through the end of this season.
MATT: I’d put it middle of the pack. Sesaon 2 is obviously the gold standard. Season 5 comes next for me, then Season 6.
CRAIG: This is probably the season in which I have the most trouble figuring out where I’d place it, which will probably become easier to figure out once it’s on Blu-ray. There was such a long stretch of that OTA vs. NTA stuff that I think it might be a lot better with some time and space removed. I didn’t actively dislike it like I may have with some previous stretches, but it wasn’t what Seasons 1, 2, and 5 were. Maybe somewhere around the middle?
MELISSA: I have difficulty with this question, mostly because I don’t tend to think of the show in full seasons. I think the first half of season six was better than the first half of season three, one, or five, but worse than the first half of season two and four.
Season six wins best crossover event.
The back half of season six is harder to place because while I was less frustrated with my favorite characters this season, I ended up more upset with the show for a longer period of time than I can previously recall.
I probably would look back at season six as brilliant if the NTA had turned to the dark side since I spent an inordinate amount of my viewing time shouting SHUT UP at them. But since they didn’t turn evil, (well, officially) but I still can’t stand them, I’m not sure if my enjoyment of the show will ever return to what it had been.
I miss the days when I only disliked Laurel. I still don’t love Black Siren but on her own, she is inconsequential compared to the continued ire I have toward the NTA. But does that mean I thought the back half of season six was worse than anything that came before? I’m just not sure. I think I need to see how season seven moves forward before I can rank season six accurately.
I’m not dreading season seven like I was season five so that’s something positive at least.