Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Back At Arrow Season 6 & Forward To Season 7
Opinion July 20, 2018 Craig Byrne

How much longer do you think Arrow will go after Season 7? How long should it go?
MATT: I expect they’ll get another season out of this, but I do like that they are taking it season by season now. I’d rather see the show take risks and earn new seasons going forward. The worst thing in TV is keeping a show on the air just to keep it on the air. At some point, a story should come to a conclusion.
CRAIG: I think about the times when Supernatural got some new blood in the showrunning department, and it seemed to create a whole new era for the show. I could see that happening here, too. Stephen seems happy, and as long as he’s happy, they’ve got a show. Secretly, I just want the series to last long enough that they can get Hal Jordan and/or Justin Hartley onto the series. Or Justin Hartley as Hal Jordan.
MELISSA: I feel the show will go on at least through season 8 based on what I think they have set up already for the characters to accomplish and how long I think it would reasonably take to reach those goals.
After that, it’s hard to say. I think there is still more story that can be told but once something is on air that long, outside factors start affecting what story can be told.
I’d hate to have the show keep going if my favs were moving on. It becomes a different show then and so I guess that’s the line I draw. As long as Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Richards, and David Ramsey all want to keep going, I’m in favor of the show staying on the air. But lose any one of them, and it won’t be Arrow to me anymore.
STEPHANIE: It’s still enough of a staple in the CW’s programming, especially with the crossovers and announcing Batwoman’s impending arrival, that I don’t see them getting rid of it for another season or two, at least. I hope, at this point, they give it the courtesy of announcing the final season upfront so it can end on a planned note. Somewhere between eight and ten seasons would be sufficient for me.
I think Arrow has a better chance of lasting longer if it goes back to a stricter procedural format, one bad guy/group per episode, with the occasional reoccurrence and a serialized big bad peppered in every several episodes. I hope they do take this approach because it gives us the chance to spend more time with Team Arrow’s growth outside of saving the day.
Thanks to everyone for reading! Follow @GreenArrowTV on Twitter for more Season 7 updates… new episodes return October 15!