Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Back At Arrow Season 6 & Forward To Season 7
Opinion July 20, 2018 Craig Byrne

Do you have any specific hopes for the rest of the existing cast? (Diggle, Felicity, Curtis, Rene, and Dinah) Anything else on your season 7 wish list?
CRAIG: Obviously, I’d like to see the team working together more… and by “the team” I mean even bringing a character like Black Siren into the fold. Part of what I loved in Legends of Tomorrow this season is that there were characters who were genuinely friends.
I’d like to see the characters more in their everyday lives. Let Dinah be a cop again; heck, let Dinah run the SCPD. Finally give us the Smoak Technologies storyline. Let John Diggle do something that makes him happy. Put Wild Dog back in his old costume. I’m curious where Oliver will be as a character since he will no longer be the Mayor. I guess he has to get out of jail first…
But yes. These characters aren’t just vigilantes. They’re people. And at the end of the day, that’s why we love them.
MATT: I kinda like the idea of Diggle with ARGUS and forging his own identity and mission. They’re setting him up to potentially keep up the Green Arrow name, but I’d kinda like to see him doing his own thing and keeping in constant touch with Team Arrow. For Curtis, let’s give him some kind of tech adversary that really pushes him, or perhaps he finds his tech is being used for nefarious purposes and he wants to put that right. Dinah taking on a leadership role in the team would be great. Let’s really lean into the Black Canary legacy with her, plus it challenges her lone wolf tendencies. Some kind of motivation for Rene that’s beyond anger or his daughter would be helpful. As for Felicity, she’s obviously going to be dealing with raising William while also keeping Oliver’s crusade alive. Perhaps she can focus on somehow tying all heroes and/or the world together technologically to share resources. A bridge to the larger DC Universe and the first true nods toward a potential Justice League in the Arrowverse and not just team-ups.
The Longbow Hunters sounds a bit interesting, though they need to be distinguished between not just the other assassin groups like the League and the Thanatos group but also from the scores of others who have used bows & arrows on the series.
MELISSA: I hope Diggle at ARGUS means more stories about ARGUS. I want to dig into what can be a very shady organization. I also wouldn’t be adverse to the team getting caught up in ARGUS based missions that might be more of a stand-alone kind of episode. The show could use more wins in its column and something like an off-books mission might get them that. But the biggest thing on my Diggle wish list is seeing Diggle come home to Team Arrow, whatever it looks like. I’ll also take more Lyla.
For Felicity, yes, I will request ad nauseam seeing her company happen until it happens. If that means Helix Dynamics, so be it, but on my wishlist, I’d like it to happen without Curtis. I’ve soured for some reason on that partnership. I’d be happy to have Alena return though.
Felicity should have female friends. Also, even though I’m still not ready to play nice with Dinah, if she is going to be around, would the show please allow her and Felicity to develop some kind of relationship? If that’s a no-go, I’ll take more scenes with Felicity and Lyla. I love Oliver and Diggle’s close brotherhood but I am also keen to see strong bonds between the female characters. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
For Rene, I’d like him to get on a bus and keep riding.
STEPHANIE: I’d like to see Diggle accept that he’s a hero even when he’s not acting as Green Arrow. I hope he finds a place, whether within the team or at ARGUS, where he’s happy and fulfilled and confident. Diggle has always been Oliver’s right hand man, so separating Oliver from Diggle for a bit might provide both with an opportunity to stretch new muscles and develop new dynamics, and those can be fun and pleasantly surprising. Ultimately, I’d prefer Diggle back on Team Arrow, but I’m okay with him living his own life for now.
I’m not sure what I want to see for Rene, but I am sure I don’t want to see any more threats or drama involving his daughter. Let them be a peaceful, happy family.
Felicity and Curtis have such potential with Helix that I want to see more of their technology and maybe new day jobs too. I enjoyed the Curtis and Dinah brOTP that happened in the later half of the season, so I hope to see more of their relationship.
The more I think about how Oliver has a quiver of fancy arrows, I’d also like to see Dinah using her sonic scream in more creative ways than just knocking people over with her sound waves. I hope to see more of Dinah’s work with the police, maybe seeing her bring cases to the team that slip through police cracks. Given the whole Vince situation, it’d be fun to see more interactions between Dinah and Black Siren to watch them work through their issues and maybe grow into friendly associates. Hey, if Oliver and Slade Wilson can be okay with one another after everything that’s happened between them, anything is possible, right?
I’d like to see the members of Team Arrow carve out their own special role within the team. Right now, Felicity (and sometimes Curtis) serves as intelligence, but everyone else pretty much serves as muscle and can be interchangeable on missions, so it’d be interesting to see if they finally find their specialties within the team and who steps up as the leader in Oliver’s absence.
I also want to see Oliver and Team Arrow get a “win” early on. I think that’s what this season needed to end on, because after saying goodbye to Thea and losing Lance, I wanted them to at least have the satisfaction of defeating their big bad, of succeeding in at least one arena. The finale could have used a glimmer of hope. I wanted to know that Oliver turning himself over to the FBI was the right call to make because it saved the day, but it didn’t.