Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Back At Arrow Season 6 & Forward To Season 7
Opinion July 20, 2018 Craig Byrne

How do you think Oliver or the Green Arrow as a character might be different once Oliver is out?
MELISSA: These are things I’m interested in discovering. I am not a fan of Oliver outing his identity. I can see it causing roadblocks and plot holes in future stories, but I’m willing to see how they tackle this before I pass judgment.
About Oliver specifically, I think he could emerge from prison wanting to pull his family closer and in the process, being overbearingly protective. He might have trouble with PTSD and letting his guard down, again. He might try to hide any vigilante activity or he might abhor getting pulled back in.
CRAIG: In the Mike Grell comics, when it was just assumed people knew about Oliver’s other identity, he went without a mask, so, maybe that? Maybe he can wear a fake goatee which can be his equivalent of Clark Kent’s glasses? (I’m kidding.) I think the way we’ll be seeing the Green Arrow will be one of the big mysteries of Season 7, going in, and I’m really curious how it will be handled.
MATT: It’s hard to say. Being in Supermax isn’t too dissimilar from Oliver’s time on Lian Yu and the Amazo. It’s hard to imagine how it would change him as a person from how he’s currently been affected. I think it’s clear Oliver’s going to be fighting for his life on at least a semi-frequent basis in there, but that’s a regular occurrence. The reveal that he is Green Arrow obviously can no longer be walked back, and I think that’s going to have a much bigger impact on his life going forward than prison will.
STEPHANIE: I imagine he would have to be more cautious about how his methods clash with the law since everyone knows who to go after if they catch wind of the Green Arrow breaking the rules.