Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Back At Arrow Season 6 & Forward To Season 7
Opinion July 20, 2018 Craig Byrne

How long do you think Oliver will be in prison?
CRAIG: I think he’ll conveniently be out in time for the December crossover!
MATT: My hope would be through the first part of the season into the midseason hiatus. I expect it’ll be 3 or 4 episodes.
STEPHANIE: I’d give it maybe two or three episodes. This season did a pretty decent job of breaking story conventions (like minimal flashbacks) and focusing on other characters, so spending time with the team outside of prison could work for a little while, but isolating the main character from all of the other characters won’t work for an Oliver-based show for much more than a couple of episodes. I’m wondering how long Oliver will take a break from being Green Arrow though. I can see that lasting for several episodes after he gets out of prison.
MELISSA: Based on Arrow usually following real time when it returns in the fall, I’ll go with no more than six, maybe closing in on seven, months in prison. In terms of new episodes, I dearly hope he’s not in prison for more than three episodes. I’d love it to be less than that. I do wonder if he’ll be on the run for a while after that, and if so, hopefully, not without his family or friends, because an isolated Oliver is a dull Oliver.