Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Back At Arrow Season 6 & Forward To Season 7
Opinion July 20, 2018 Craig Byrne

Would you like to see an “Olicity baby” in Season 7?
MELISSA: I’m not opposed to an “Olicity” baby this season, but if it happened later, I wouldn’t be upset either. What I want is to eventually see its impact on Oliver. Him living for the future and having a life he loves in the present is part of coming full circle for the broken man we were introduced to in the pilot and I think a child, specifically one he is there for from the start, would represent a new pinnacle in his growth. So I do believe a baby added to the story could hold great significance beyond making certain viewers happy.
Ultimately, I’ll judge Oliver a success as a hero and a man only when he has found balance in his personal and professional life. And I’d like to see him actually navigate those choices, choices that are not simple even for those not putting on a hood and stopping bad guys.
In season six, he was working on finding balance. He’s still getting his crap together and he and Felicity have things to work out, but he’s close. And no one waits for perfect. Perfect is an illusion.
At the same time, I don’t want Felicity rushed into anything until she’s ready and right now, life is again kind of a mess. But adding something more to the mess would make for some interesting conflicts, so one can’t rule it out.
Babies can be a tricky addition to any show but Arrow handled Baby Sara well (JJ less so) and I was pleasantly surprised by how William was used. There are ways to make the addition of a baby work without sideling Felicity, Olicity or the action-oriented parts of the show, so if we do get a baby in season 7, I don’t think it’s going to be a bad thing, but if it doesn’t happen right away, there are still plenty of other stories to tell.
STEPHANIE: No. As indicated by the final act of the finale, Oliver and Felicity are still not at a place in their relationship where they have an open line of communication about major life decisions. They also haven’t quite figured out how they function as married co-workers, so they need to work on their relationship a little more before I can see them being ready for another child.
MATT: No. I think they have and can continue to cover the parental angle and the effects on their relationship with William. Let’s give them time before introducing a baby into the mix.
CRAIG: In a word, no. In two words, please no. In three words, oh heck no. I can’t think of a single thing an “Olicity baby” would add to the series at this point beyond pandering to a group of fans that trashes anyone who doesn’t worship at the altar of Olicity. (Don’t believe me? Just wait to see the comments on this post.) A baby is always problematic for any show, especially when it involves the lead characters, and I feel like Oliver and Felicity, right now, are already parents with William. If Arrow wants to give the couple a kid of their own in a flashforward in the final episode of the series, or even have Felicity expecting near the very end of the show’s run, I’d be fine with it, but right now, there’s enough to worry about with Oliver being in prison. Having Felicity pregnant just seems like it’d be a cruel complication.