Team GATV Roundtable: Looking Back At Arrow Season 6 & Forward To Season 7
Opinion July 20, 2018 Craig Byrne

What did you think of Quentin’s Season 6 arc?
STEPHANIE: I loved seeing his relationship with Black Siren. Everything Quentin has ever done, whether agreeable or infuriating, has been for the sake of his daughters, so it was nice seeing that side of him again and validating in his last scene with Oliver. He deserved an additional goodbye scene with Laurel and Sara – one last chance to see what he fought for and saved.
I’m actually surprised that Quentin wasn’t impeached as mayor since he was always getting demoted or suspended, but I’m glad he finally regained control of his life and found stability and a purpose again before he was killed.
CRAIG: Paul Blackthorne is (or was) one of the best actors on Arrow and his performances in Season 6 just solidified that even more. He had such great scenes with Katie Cassidy, especially, and then to see how far things went for him by the end of the season… it was heartbreaking. Watch the early episodes of Arrow and then check out Season 6, and you’ll see an incredible arc and change for his character. The finale broke my heart.
MATT: It was good and bad. At times, it seemed like Quentin was delusional over Laurel, trying to force so much of his own daughter on this other woman. But it also allowed him to see the more positive of things. Plus, the mentorship and brotherly bond with Oliver worked very well.
MELISSA: Quentin’s unwavering support for Oliver at a time when Oliver believed he’d lost everyone and had done everything wrong (when he’d been drugged) moved me and was a testimony to the transformation of their relationship since the pilot. I’ve been a fan of Quentin and Paul Blackthorne’s acting from day one, but I think his support of Oliver may have been the only part of Quentin’s season six storyline that I enjoyed.
Most of the time I felt like Quentin was not the same man. It’s like he snapped or went insane and I don’t use that as hyperbole.
Black Siren was NOT his daughter, a fact he had no difficulty with understanding in season five. People with totally different life experiences are not the same people just because they look like someone even if they are doppelgangers from another universe. The crossover hammered this home. Quentin’s fixation on BS being his daughter was, in my opinion, creepy and disturbing, not touching.
Black Siren looking like his Laurel could have been used as something to get under his skin without pushing him to let go of reality. I found it super icky that Quentin (and the writers behind him) could feel people were so easily swapped out and replaced.
And he went far beyond sympathizing or wanting to help her; he was trying to turn her into his Laurel. Between the psychotic killer and Quentin, Black Siren was the one that came off more stable.