Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead
The GreenArrowTV team looks forward with questions about the second half of Arrow Season 3. Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead

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What do you hope to see in the second half of Season 3?

AR301b_0031bSTEPHANIE: I would like to see more scenes between Quentin and Diggle because those two actors have had little screen time together. We may receive a few when Diggle suits up as Arrow. Still, I’m more interested in the two of them face to face, faces unmasked.

Since they’re bringing back the Count, I hope it’s to wrap up that story. Peter Stormare did well enough with the part, but Seth Gable as the Count was such a memorable performance that others naturally pale in comparison. The whole idea of hallucinogenic mushrooms being added to vertigo in “The Calm” came off as a means to an end so Oliver would see himself as his own worst fear. I’d hate for vertigo to become too convenient of a plot point in the future.

When it comes to the finale, I want to see them avoid a third “terrorist attack” story in Starling City. There need to be citizens left alive for Team Arrow to save. The drawback to this idea is that I also don’t want them to miss out on the massive finale scenarios they’re so good at creating; maybe Team Arrow could bring the fight to their opponent in Nanda Parbat or Hong Kong or wherever it ends up being instead of it being the other way around.

MATT: I’m still a bit baffled as to where they want to go with the story, so hopes and expectations are pretty rare for me. I do kind of like the idea of Oliver somehow being at odds with his old team when he reappears. Whether that’s a full on villain turn or not, I don’t know. More Malcolm and his association with Team Arrow vs. Ra’s and the League are expected and would be very welcomed. You’d have to wonder if and/or how Thea might get wrapped up in all of that. Also, seeing more of Ra’s and the League would not only help us get behind their story, but might also give us a true villain plot through the rest of the season.

DEREK: It seems like “City of Heroes” might have been a better title for this next batch, judging from what we’ve heard. I was skeptical at first, but I’m getting really into the idea of taking the title character out of the equation to flesh out the supporting cast. Something Arrow has always grappled with in its breakneck pace is how hard it is to distribute development amongst all the characters, especially with Oliver at the center of the show. Three seasons in, we’ve seen how some of these characters can break out and take the lead (like Diggle in “Suicide Squad”), so it’s a good time to mess around with the status quo and try something new. As much as I haven’t liked how this season’s experiments on longterm story structure have played out, this is an experiment I can get behind. So I’m hoping characters like Roy, Diggle, Malcolm, and Thea who have been on the backburner a bit get a chance to shine, especially. Also, I hope Oliver’s eventual resurrection, however that happens, will help focus his character arc a bit better.

CRAIG: Once Oliver is back, I hope he gets himself more centered. The character had so much growth in Season 2, and I understand how Sara’s death can throw him for a loop, but I hope he takes the lessons he got from the other characters to move forward. Growth is good.

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Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.