Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead
The GreenArrowTV team looks forward with questions about the second half of Arrow Season 3. Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead

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Colin Donnell is supposed to be making another appearance on the show. Do you have any suspicions as to what that might entail?

ARROWSTEPHANIE: Here’s some wild speculation. Characters keep popping up in the present day as members of the League. As far fetched as it sounds and as unlikely as it is to happen, how crazy and unexpected would that be for Tommy? If Malcolm and Oliver can get impaled through the chest and come back to the show, why can’t Tommy’s death be a conquerable obstacle? That being said, I actually expect Tommy to reappear in a flashback. They’ve taken liberties with the flashbacks this season, so I think it would be interesting to see more of the Malcolm/Tommy relationship in the past contrasted with the one Malcolm has created with Thea in the present.

CRAIG: It’s probably just a flashback, but since everyone else on this show has escaped death, it would be kind of amazing if Tommy were revealed as alive in some way. But then again, it would show that death doesn’t mean enough in the world of Arrow, so maybe that’s not the best idea.

MATT: We might see a revisit of Tommy’s spirit in Oliver’s path “back” to life. Mostly, him appearing in flashbacks makes the most sense for any reappearance on the show. I would assume that it has to do with Malcolm flashbacks. Maybe we get more Tommy in Hong Kong, but I’ve got to figure that they’ll give us more about Malcolm’s past to help inform the season. We need to see more of the relationship between Malcolm and Ra’s and the League of Assassins. Wrapping Tommy up in that, in some fashion, makes a good deal of sense.

DEREK: I wasn’t into his flashback appearance this season at all — and frankly, pre-Arrow Tommy just wasn’t that interesting. So I’m hoping it’s something crazy, at least a dream sequence or hallucination. Oliver, Malcolm, and Laurel all have feasible reasons for their subconciouses to conjure him up in a moment of crisis. Or maybe Bionic Tommy will join Bionic Arrow.

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Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.