Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead
The GreenArrowTV team looks forward with questions about the second half of Arrow Season 3. Team GATV Midseason Roundtable Part 2: Looking Ahead

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What do you think of Laurel becoming the Black Canary?

ARROWCRAIG: Laurel becoming Black Canary is a development I at least have wanted from the beginning. Remember those innocent early Arrow times where one of the most exciting moments was Laurel kicking some guys in self-defense? Now is her turn to step up and become a bigger part of this show.

MATT: I’m in favor, but particularly in favor of the way they are doing it. If it was just a matter of them getting her in costume, I’d be as up in arms as most of the audience seems to be. But Laurel putting on that costume, in the wake of Oliver’s disappearance and the vacuum left, actually fits her personality. That she’s going to take her lumps and Team Arrow are all worried as hell with her being out there totally sells me on the choice.

We’ve said it multiple times, but I know I’m very happy that they have stronger material for Katie Cassidy to work with going down this road.

Black_CanarySTEPHANIE: Could not be more thrilled! I just finished marathoning the first two seasons, and during that time Laurel grew on me, but she’s not yet to the point where I truly like her as a character. She’s at her best when she’s focused on her work, enacting justice, and not given the time to wallow in everything that’s gone wrong over the course of her life. Channeling those positives into her Black Canary persona is a natural fit and an exciting step for her character. Laurel has the spunk and the undying determination that will serve her well, and Katie Cassidy seems dedicated to pulling off a superhero as authentically as possible, so I’m looking forward to seeing it play out in the coming weeks.

DEREK: The character has desperately needed focus; we need more female superheroes in general; the slow burn down-and-dirty origin method is different from what we’ve seen; Laurel works better when she’s anything but just a love interest; and Katie Cassidy seems more engaged in the show now than the first two seasons. Basically, it’s beneficial for the development of the character, the actress, and the show all-around. There’s been a decent track record with costumed characters thus far, so I’m glad they’re finally taking the plunge.

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Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.