Stephen Amell Shares A Photo In Front Of The Bat-Signal
ImagesNewsSpoilers December 2, 2018 Craig Byrne

Stephen Amell had promised to share a photo in front of an impressive location in this year’s DC TV crossover “Elseworlds,” airing December 9 through 11 on The CW. We assumed he meant that we’d see him, Melissa Benoist, and Grant Gustin at the Fortress of Solitude set, but no… it’s the three of them in front of the Bat-Signal in “Gotham City,” home of Ruby Rose’s Batwoman.
Note that Stephen is still in a Flash costume and Grant is dressed as Green Arrow, as the switch is still apparently going on at this time.
Is it us, or does Stephen look as excited by this crossover as we will be?
A gallery of official Elseworlds photos can be found at KSiteTV. You can see Stephen’s Tweet below.
🤯🤯🤯 pic.twitter.com/v56muhHv1r
— Stephen Amell (@StephenAmell) December 2, 2018