Sparty Gets a New Dome: Diggle’s New Helmet
NewsVideo October 2, 2016 Matt Tucker

A hat tip to the folks over at ComicBookResources for this little goodie. Buried — although prominently — within a recently released CW promo video, we get the first clear view of Diggle’s new hero helmet.
The video showcases the stars of the various CW shows going through their marketing photo and video shoots to promote the new TV season. To be expected, Melissa Benoist and Supergirl feature noticeably, but a lot of love is giving throughout the network’s lineup.
Spartan 2.0 pops up at the 00:19 mark in the video (see below). Also, a brief side view of the helmet from a distance appears at the 00:44 mark.
Diggle’s original helmet was cracked in action while fighting Damien Darhk and his forces during Season 4. Arrowverse engineer (and armorer) Cisco Ramon was able to patch the helmet, but Diggle asked him for some improvements. Apparently, Cisco had some ideas.
The new helmet feels more traditional, like a stylized piece of S.W.A.T. gear, and a little closer to the look of the DC comic hero Guardian, who many assumed Diggle would be playing in the DCwU. While it certainly could’ve used some tweaks, the design of the first helmet lent itself to Diggle’s official codename on Team Arrow. All Magneto dispersions aside, I’m actually gonna kinda miss the face guards.