UPDATED: Smallville’s Tom Welling To Appear In Arrow Season 8?
NewsSpoilers April 13, 2019 Craig Byrne

Fans are getting excited over some posts on Twitter from a user who claimed that Smallville actor Tom Welling said that would be appearing in Arrow Season 8 during a Q&A panel at the Armageddon NZ convention this weekend.
Here’s the Tweet:
TOM WELLING JUST CONFIRMED HE’LL BE IN THE NEXT SEASON OF ARROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/E7YP6gvlDm
— Mera ✨🧜🏼♀️ (@worldofmera) April 13, 2019
While this news has some people putting on their red jackets and blue shirts and flying leaping with joy, we must offer a warning:
Isn’t it odd that this was just reported by only one person?
Isn’t it interesting that there is no video or audio of this?
Now, “WorldOfMera” claims they will be re-asking the question of Tom at some point today… but in a world where websites like WeGotThisCovered routinely make up stuff for clicks but fans are often clueless enough to share their reports, we must warn caution.
This isn’t to say that Tom Welling won’t be appearing in Season 8 — if we were to make bets, the earliest an official announcement might come will be May 16, the day of The CW Upfronts which happened to be when Batwoman was announced last year. But for now, again, wait for proof before getting too celebratory.
Getting a Tom Welling appearance anywhere on The CW’s Arrowverse would be a very big deal. Personally speaking, we’d love to see him in Crisis on Infinite Earths as his world’s Clark Kent, especially since Smallville is the one that started all of this. But, here at least, we are going to wait until we see a more concrete or get confirmation from the studio or network before throwing a “Tom Welling is coming back” party. And if the studio or network says “no, he’s not,” and it truly ultimately never happens, hopefully fans will trust in that and be more careful next time.
UPDATE: “WorldOfMera” has made an additional Tweet which could explain the confusion here… and actually, this tracks with what we know to be Tom’s sense of humor. Perhaps he suggested that he’d be in Arrow next season… because he thought there wouldn’t be a next season. Our belated apologies to this poster if it seemed you were thrown under a bus, but your honesty here is appreciated. In the meantime, we are still going to hold out hope that Tom will indeed appear eventually, in Crisis on Infinite Earths at least.
Let’s jump straight to it: I must apologise in advance if Tom is not going to be in Arrow. According to another audience goer, he later down in the panel cancelled his original statement by saying “you know arrows cancelled right”… — cont pic.twitter.com/tBTW0KEv8J
— Mera ✨🧜🏼♀️ (@worldofmera) April 13, 2019