TV Line has posted more quotes from this weekend’s Heroes and Villains Fan Fest, and included in them were some comments about the future of “Olicity” in Season 5.
“I was chatting with a couple of fans earlier and they were saying there hasn’t been a lot of positivity and reassuring notions when it comes to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship,” Stephen Amell said at yesterday’s event. I think that it’s important to remember that relationships on the show don’t have to be only defined by romance. Oliver and Felicity could have a wonderful, fulfilling, dynamic relationship and not be together, right?”
“That wasn’t a question, OK,” Stephen continued. “That’s how the world works! So we will see where they are this year.”
He did express certain hopes for the pairing, though. “I hope that they’re both in a happy, positive place,” he said. “Whether that means they’re together or not remains to be seen.”
The TV Line post with those quotes also has some talk about the Season 5 villain, confirms Russia for the flashbacks, a new mask for Spartan, and more. You can read their original article here.
And, of course, if you wanted to see what David Ramsey (John Diggle) had to say about an “Olicity” future, you can go here.