A few days back, TheWrap revealed that True Blood’s Rutina Wesley would be guest starring on Arrow – and in a new interview with CBR, Marc Guggenheim has confirmed the news… he also revealed her character name while he was at it.
“She’s a wonderful get, and I want to say publicly: God bless her! We had some scheduling issues. She was really flexible, and she really did us a solid here. And we’re incredibly excited. Everyone moved heaven and earth to make the scheduling line up, and it’s going to be awesome. I’m really excited about the character she’s playing, and I’m excited about the storyline that we’ve got planned,” Guggenheim told CBR.
“Her character is named after a character called Lady Cop, who is a lady cop. We’re just using a character name, Liza Warner. We’re not going to call her Lady Cop, but she will be a female cop,” he said.
You can read the CBR piece here… our own Marc Guggenheim interview will be posted here soon!