Here Is The Correct Title For Arrow #2.5: “League Of Assassins”
NewsSpoilers August 20, 2013 Craig Byrne

Seems we jumped the gun a little bit… while TV Line‘s intel implied that the fifth episode of Arrow Season 2 is “The Demon’s Head,” it turns out that is not the case. (Does that mean no Ra’s al Ghul for us?)
The correct title for the fifth episode of Arrow Season 2 is actually “League Of Assassins.” A title that is still Malcolm Merlyn/Nanda Parbat/Ra’s al Ghul related. And, honestly, it’s a pretty awesome title.
So, a recap: It’s not called “The Demon’s Head,” but instead, it’s “League Of Assassins.” Got it? Good.
Arrow Season 2 begins in just 50 days, on October 9.