GATV Loosed Ep. 1: Arrow “The Sin-Eater” Review & News Recap (Week of Feb 19-25, 2017)
GATV LoosedRecaps & Reviews February 28, 2017 Matt Tucker

We’re trying something a bit different with our reviews around GreenArrowTV. Please welcome to the stage…
GATV Loosed: The Week in Arrow!
We’ve wanted to offer audio content for years, and now we bring it to you. We plan for GATV Loosed to be a weekly series coming out each Saturday.
In our premiere episode, GATV’s Matt Tucker reviews Season 5, Episode 14: “The Sin-Eater.” He also recaps and briefly discusses the news of the week from February 19-25, including:
- The ratings dip
- Katie Cassidy’s Arrowverse return in the Legends season finale
- Stephen Amell’s EW interview
- and the suggestions of an Oliver-Dinah relationship
A few technical difficulties prevented us from getting this to you earlier. We’re still finding our footing, so bear with us as we locate our voice and the best show we can make.
In the meantime, indulge our first episode, and let us know what you think of the experiment in the comments below.
Like the video and subscribe to the GATV Loosed channel on YouTube.