Did Brandon Routh Instagram Part Of The Atom Costume? (UPDATE: No.)
ImagesNewsSpoilers November 29, 2014 Craig Byrne

As we saw at the end of episode 7, Ray Palmer has been making an A.T.O.M. exoskeleton, and Arrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim has said in a recent interview that the costume is coming, and that they’ve been checking often to see if it’s ready yet.
The actor who plays Ray, the Superman-like Brandon Routh, posted a photo on Instagram that escaped our attention since its posting four days ago. With the post he also said this:
Interesting! #TheAtom #Arrow #RayPalmer
Looks like an Atom costume, doesn’t it? Though it needs more red…
UPDATE: We were tricked!!!! This is actually a cropped part of an image from a suit of Iron Man armor. Brandon Routh has Tweeted that he has no Instagram account, so we were doubly fooled, as even the account is phony. As you were, everybody… it was fun while it lasted… now Team Arrow, you’re going to show us an actual costume soon, right?
Thanks to Andy for the tip.