E! Online today has scoop on a character who is running for mayor in Season 4.
After the last few seasons, should anyone want to be mayor of Starling City? In any event, here’s what E! had to say:
Andy: I need some scoop on Arrow to get me through this long summer. Help a fellow fan out?
The CW comic book show is getting some star power next season! Arrow is currently looking to cast a big name for the guest-starring role of Patty, a mayoral candidate who is deeply committed to her city and willing to risk her life to stand up for the people. Described as a female in her 50s-early 60s, Patty is a peer and an old friend of the late Moira Queen, and was once close with Oliver and Thea. She is also a mother, and cares for her daughter above all else…any guesses as to who that daughter is?
As for the daughter thing… we are at a loss. We have met Felicity’s mom. We’ve met Laurel’s mother. Thea’s mom is Moira (RIP). We haven’t met Nyssa’s mother… though that could be reaching. Is this Lyla’s mother? The mom of Oliver’s babymama? IRIS WEST’S MOM, maybe? Any guesses? Leave ’em in the comments.
Thanks to Apple for the tip.