DC To Launch Arrow Digital Comic Series
ComicsNews September 14, 2012 Craig Byrne

If you want to read some Green Arrow comics that tie into the TV series, you’re in luck.
CBR revealed today that DC Comics will be launching a digital-first Arrow comic book series to tie in with the TV show beginning on Wednesday, October 10.
The series, much like Smallville Season 11, will sell at 99 cents per chapter and then be collected monthly into printed editions. The first print edition will hit comic book shops on November 28, according to the article. Stories will tie directly into the show.
China White is already set for an appearance in Chapter 3, and future guest appearances go under the same criteria as they would for the show itself — it will only happen if it works within the world of Arrow.
Executive Producers Andrew Kreisberg and Mark Guggenheim will be writing the Arrow comics, and legendary Green Arrow artist Mike Grell writes Chapter 1. After that, Sergio Sandoval and Jorge Jimenez take over on the art.
An interview with Marc Guggenheim about the comic can be found here, and when the series begins, you will find announcements here and on the @GreenArrowTV Twitter feed. The stories will be posted onto ComiXology, so you might want to bookmark that one as well.