Brandon Routh Confirms Atom Costume in Arrow Season 3
News September 17, 2014 Matt Tucker

A big hat tip to Russ Burlingame over at ComicBook.com for bringing this interview with Arrow Season 3 multi-episode guest star Brandon Routh to our attention.
Routh recently spoke with DJ and Seth of The DJ Tanner Show out of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, about his past as Superman, dealing with public recognition, and his upcoming role as Ray Palmer.
Of particular note, Routh definitively addresses the question of whether or not we will see Palmer in costume as his comic-inspired alter-ego the Atom.
“Yeah, it’s a totally, totally different suit, and I haven’t been in it yet. I’ve only seen some drawings, and it’s a very different, very different character. And I really can’t say too much about what the suit’s going to look like, but just to say that it’s very different. And I don’t believe there’s a cape [re: Superman comparison], which doesn’t really surprise anybody who’s seen the Atom in the comics. But, it’s a cool opportunity. It’s a great show with a huge following. They do a really nice job grounding the show. And having my character on there … he adds a lot of different elements. I get to come on and do a lot of comedy in a, in a pretty dark world. My character, Ray Palmer, interacts with Felicity mostly, so far, in the episodes I’ve shot. It’s just a lot of fun. I have a great time working with Emily [Bett Rickards]. I think it’s gonna, I think it’s gonna add a whole new element to the show that, that audiences will like, whether they dislike Ray getting in the way of the Arrow/Felicity, Oliver/Felicity relationship or not. Hopefully, they’re entertained by it.”
Tanner asked when we might get to see the suit, as filming has already begun. Routh was unsure.
“Um, you know, I don’t know. They’re kind of, they’re kind of waiting, making it dramatic, I suppose. I’m not sure when the end date… We filmed six episodes, so far. So, six of twenty-two, so there’s a long way to go yet. We’re just early into shooting the third season.”
There you have it. It won’t be right away, but expect to see Routh in a blue and red costume again at some point during the season. It remains to be seen if and how they’ll address Palmer’s ability to shrink and grow his body like his comic-book counterpart. With a costume, and the burgeoning presence of powers emerging in this shared universe of Arrow and The Flash, it’s a safe-bet Palmer’s extraordinary talent will make an appearance.
For more, you can listen to the full interview with The DJ Tanner Show.
Routh will make his first appearance as Palmer in the third season premiere, “The Calm,” on Wednesday, October 8 at 8pm on The CW.