The season finale of Arrow is on this Monday, May 13, and the episode, titled “You Have Saved This City,” also happens to be the last for Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak.
TVGuide.com’s Lindsay McDonald interviewed Arrow showrunner Beth Schwartz and got some teases on what we can expect.
“I can’t give away too much, but every time I watch the last 10 minutes of the finale, I cry every single time,” Beth said. “I just wanted to honor [Felicity]. She’s been a really important character to the show — besides just having a huge fan base — to me personally. She’s been one of my favorite characters, and I’ve been with her from the beginning. I wanted to make sure that we honored her both in her relationship with Oliver as well as her goals personally and the origin of Smoak Tech — her wanting to do something in addition to being on Team Arrow. That was her own, so that was really important to me.”
And while Emily will no longer be a series regular, Felicity and the actress playing her will always be welcome to return. “She is always welcome to come back, so I would be obviously more than happy to have her back next season,” Schwartz said, adding that more “favorites” may return in the final Season 8.
You can read the full interview here.
Photos and a description for “You Have Saved This City” can be found below.
FAMILY TIES — The battle between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Emiko (Sea Shimooka) comes to a boiling point which brings back some familiar faces and leaves others in dire jeopardy. James Bamford directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Rebecca Bellotto (#722). Original airdate 5/13/2019.