Arrow Video: Mericle & Sullivan Preview Season 5
NewsSpoilersVideo September 28, 2016 Craig Byrne

A new video has surfaced of Wendy Mericle and Brian Ford Sullivan previewing Arrow Season 5 complete with some new clips!
The most interesting part of the video is that we learn more about Joe Dinicol’s character of Rory Regan/The Ragman, and what tie he has to the events of Season 4. Spoiler warning: He is the only survivor of what happened in Havenrock.
The video touches upon what’s new with Oliver, Diggle, Olicity, Felicity, Curtis, Wild Dog, and Evelyn Sharp, and Mericle describes Prometheus as a “dark mirror to Oliver.” And yes, we’ll be seeing Oliver in Russia and learning his Bratva story.
Best of all, Mericle promises that Season 5 will “make Green Arrow even more bad ass than he already is.” The season premiere is a good start (read our review). You can see the video below.