Arrow Spoilers #4.6 “Lost Souls” Official Description
NewsSpoilers October 22, 2015 Craig Byrne

The CW has released an official description for the November 11 episode of Arrow, titled “Lost Souls.”
Here’s the write-up:
RAY PALMER RETURNS FROM THE DEAD — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is frantic when she learns that Ray (guest star Brandon Routh) is alive and being held by Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough). Felicity’s guilt over not finding Ray sooner causes tension between her and Oliver (Stephen Amell). Meanwhile, Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) joins Laurel (Katie Cassidy), Thea (Willa Holland) and the team on a rescue mission for Ray. However, the effects of the Lazarus Pit take over and threaten to jeopardize the entire operation. Donna Smoak (guest star Charlotte Ross) returns to Star City. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#406). Original airdate 11/11/2015.